new old toys

We got a new toy…….hours of fun………and it’s pretty too.

p.s. found it on etsy…..which is fun too……….even if just to window shop!002

Happy Love Day everyone!!


Hello! I am SO happy! Have you ever had a day that just sang….that made a lousy week just melt away, or reminded you why life is incredibly wonderful, full of possibilities and the reason you want to just belt out in song? My family is here visiting from far away….California and Utah. My son has gotten to put faces to names and he loves them as much as me. Gonna cry……

ok…I’m composed now…

My sister played Hi Ho Cherry-O with my son, giggling and wise-cracking their way through cherry picking. My mom has given my son a new nick name, “hot shot”, which he loves, and we all spent the day at a craft store, then on to a giant rummage sale and then yummy food. Bliss, I tell you bliss.

            he was even cheaper than his tag says……he fit into a “fill this paper bag up as full as you can for $5” bag.


I shared my blog and Jude’s with my sister and she really likes Jude’s blog, how could she not, it’s amazing….she wants to go home now and make her own spiritcloth. We are off to another day of adventure. My son gets to KNOW where I came from…happy, happy I am.

p.s. I promise as soon as I can I will post photos of the Alaska quilt as a whole for Cathie and Andrea. I have about 2 more days to enjoy my family and then I can get another post about the quilt up. Have wonderful, happy days!

p.s.s. Thank you everyone for commenting on the last post. I promise I will properly visit or email you when I have more time. Once again, hope all of you have incredibly groovy weekends!


Fun day!

Wow…what a fun day. I’ve gotten the chance to have a booth at a local shop, and will be working there occasionally, helping out. It was such a blast to be around other people that are creative in similar ways as me. A bunch of people that are visually oriented and love old was cool. I was surrounded by old smells, vintage fabrics, cool vintage furniture and silly, funny people. The customers were happy and it was fun to look at their treasures and even sell a few things I’d brought in…….there is a certain rush when someone sees enough value in what you have collected to buy it. Here are a few pictures for all of you who like old things. enjoy!







ideas brewing


more buttons…..i can’t help myself.  I bought a thrifted blender last weekend, for making paper…some day. I have wanted to teach myself and my son how, just needed a blender. I got it home and it didn’t sound or smell good when I plugged it in. So I took it back today and used my $5 to buy a tin, 3 books, buttons, thread( I like the way they recycled the wooden spools) and a crystal salt shaker…..I like the salt shaker so much, but I want to hang it in a window for the prisms it casts…….so I will be thinking of ways to suspend a salt shaker…….

oh and I found another blender for $2……..need to go research paper making.

SO many things I want to do creatively…..

Buttons and Beads and Cuff Links, Oh My!


I went to the thrift store for a quick fix…those of you that thrift shop probably understand……..I went straight for their crafty section, which often has embroidery thread, and sometimes cool fabric. Also buttons, old buttons. The last time I had gone in, I had picked out about 25 buttons and sat them on the counter and decided to go back quickly to check for sale items. When I got back the little bag of buttons had been accidentally placed into another’s bag….I mourned those silly buttons.. I felt silly for it. That was about a week and a half ago. When I went in today they had my little bag of buttons. The person who got them put into their bag, had seen me meticulously picking through the buttons, and brought them back for me! How nice!! I was happy! over silly little buttons…..aren’t they cool?!

Speaking of cool…I was given an award last weekend by the sweet, gracious and talented Acey, of

please check out her stuff if you haven’t already. She is bright, funny and very creative. Thank you Acey for the award. You also make my day! It is such a nice feeling to have other talented, artistic folk praise your creative efforts. Opportunity for artistic camaraderie is sometimes scarce, so to have all of you to bounce ideas off and get wonderful feedback is awesome.  I am so grateful that we have the opportunity to know one another through our blogs…Yeah for the World Wide Web. and if I haven’t told you, my visitors/friends, You too, make my day!

Splendid treasures


As promised, here are more photos of my adventure yesterday. The artist  I wrote about in yesterday’s post was a painter, embroiderer, knitter, crocheter, quilter, and a rug hooker. A woman after my own heart. The photo includes a partially completed denim rag rug, pretty quilt pieces, a packet of vintage needles, a beautiful needle case with 3 needles inside, and a rug hook with antler for a handle. She had eclectic tastes and was inspired by art around the world. I kept thinking, that I wished I had seen some of her finished pieces, and what wonderful gifts she must have made.  Hopefully she passed down some of her enormous talent and energy to her children. 

I look forward to using the watercolors, the paint is still bright and intense.

OOOOh……….and small pieces of fabric animals, obviously meant for applique. I was so happy to see them. They remind me of Jude’s animals, the ones on the quilt, she is chronicling on her blog-


Isn’t this little whimsical creature “fierce”?? Hee-Hee

And the reason behind this happy surprise is this-


For a while now I have wanted to share on this blog about this wonderful group of quilters I have been fortunate enough to become acquainted with.  They are mostly women, and one brave or very smart man, (being in the company of such funny, intelligent women). They are a group of retirees who hand baste and quilt on commission. The money they earn, is used for the retirement village auxiliary they belong to. They share their lives over cookies, coffee and many tiny stitches——————————————————————————————

They laugh a lot.

They make beautiful objects more beautiful and durable.



 and I’m so glad that I have had the good fortune to watch and learn from them.

The Grand-mother load


What a day… it’s been kind of surreal and dreamlike today. I went to the hand quilting group( in a local retirement village), this morning to photograph the quilters and quilts to show you, and had a fun surprise. A woman had donated to the group some things(a whole lotta things), that had belonged to her mother, to use in their quilting group. They were unable to use or store all of this incredible, life times worth, of crafting stash and are going to donate it to the retirement village thrift store. I asked, if I could buy some of the items and then helped to sort and box some of it…

It was awesome………in the truest sense of the word.

Thanks to a great lady that runs the quilting group I got to take some of this beautiful collection home.

I am Happy!!


The woman who had collected and created beautifully, with all of her stash, had been multi-talented…she painted, quilted, embroidered, and was even a rug hooker! I got a portable rug hooking frame for $5!!

I will have more photos tomorrow.  She had amazing taste. I would have liked to have known her, and said thank you.

Treasures and Trinkets on the way home


My son and I get to visit a little on the way home from school every day.  I like it,  an uninterrupted time to see what we are both contemplating. He told me the other day, that he wants to be an Ice Cream man or a Muffin man,  he wants to have his birthday party first though! 

It got me wondering about the song, ” The Muffin Man”.

Oh, do you know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man,
Oh, do you know the muffin man,
That lives on Drury Lane?

Oh, yes, I know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man,
Oh, yes, I know the muffin man,
That lives on Drury Lane.

Now two of us know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man,
Now two of us know the muffin man,
That lives on Drury Lane.

A few of us know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man,
A few of us know the muffin man,
That lives on Drury Lane.

Now we all know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man,
Now we all know the muffin man,
That lives on Drury Lane.

I know I need to write all these down, because one day, he’ll talk like the rest of us and no longer want to be a “Muffin Man”. Now I know why he wants to be a muffin man….EVERYBODY knows the muffin man……………the little boy who’s second word after “daddy” was “Hi”.

We discovered an Estate Sale…….I had $1.32  in cash on me….what could I possibly find? I found a bag of trinkets….tiny scissors, an old sewing kit, tweezers (can never have too many of these), brown thread. When I took the photo I felt like we were going to play, “I Spy………”. 

Darlene, Happy Birthday! Belated, I’m sorry….I can never remember if it is July 27, 28 or 29……You have to admit, mine IS a little easier to remember… 😉

Hope your b-day and upcoming cruise is wonder-filled.

handsome fellow


One of a flock of four. This one’s my favorite…I’ve had them a while,  a year or so. Found them thrifting….okay…okay… they were tossing them out and I nabbed them. I did good that day!!!

I dig it, man!


I found an old magazine at a local thrift store from the year I was born…..a lot of the sewing projects would be popular today. Funny how style kind of cycles.0022.jpg

cute little turtle.

I fell in love with this adorable cat quilt.


Can you tell that I haven’t figured out how to rotate my pictures yet…?

Sorry I’ll figure that out soon!

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