home sweet home

peaceful pond
peaceful pond

I have been away too long. We have been searching for a new home and the journey to find this place has taken our time and energy, but boy is it worth it…because now I believe this place will give that energy back ten fold. It feels like it will be a very peaceful place to be and call our home.

We are still in the middle of things, wish us luck that everything falls into place, this little peace of land has already got a hold of our heart strings. We will be busy packing, cleaning, sorting for the next month and if all goes well, we will be in our new home the first part of July.

I have been sewing a little on the side to help myself feel calm during these transitions. Here is an example. This little bag was a Mother’s day gift to my mom.

mom's gift


I hope that you are well, and your homes are giving you joy and peace.


whooo whooo

A cool video from youtube-

Michael Franti



Modeled by the very photogenic Sorai. I had a lot of fun with this hat. I especially love using scraps of fabric that may have otherwise been discarded. The owl’s iris was made using the waist band of a wool skirt, pieces too small for a quilt or hooking a rug.

Hats off to Laney!

I sold 2 hats at the craft fair! My hubby came up with the title to this post…….I thought it was quite good. I just wanted to share with everyone, that wished me well at the craft fair. I think it is a great start! I will be making more to put in my etsy shop…….Thank you everyone, for the kind words and good wishes. I need to get busy, I have a comissioned piece to make….I hope they like it.

Ode to Georgia

1391Here is one of the hats I have been working on……..it’s big……..as I worked on it I kept thinking of Georgia, and thought she might like it.

here is a closer look.

141They have been taken to a craft fair today, to see what the response is, we shall see…….

Hats on the brain

still working on hats…….going to take them to market this weekend….
Have any ideas for animals to use for hats?….cheetah, hound dog and bear so far…..

Happy Halloween! Stay safe and have fun!

wonky revisited

Have a little old and a little new stitching to show. The piece above is from last winter, it’s been hanging on my design wall(the livingroom), while I have been trying to figure out what to do with it…..I thought I might join it with some of the crazy warmth squares from the last post, but think it needs to mostly be wool, so that it shrinks evenly, when washed. I think it fits right in with the crazy quilting over at Jude’s flickr group though, so I may go add it in to the mix.

 this piece is for a friend…it’s a surprise..shhh….

the blue is from Jude, and when I went to add the last few hexagons, I couldn’t find the stash of it…..so I had to improvise. I have since found the remaining fabric and had enough to do many more hexagons…..oh well, I think the improvised fabric fit fairly well.

I hope all of you are well, I have been late in responding in kind to others generous visits and comments. I am sorry….please forgive me and I will do better!

Alaska quilted


The Alaska quilt has been ironed, washed and tumbled dry. It will be on it’s way tomorrow. I thought I’d share some of my favorite parts. Thank you everyone, for your encouragement and kindness along the way. I have had a lot of fun with this piece and realize that in the process of sharing, my creativity was boosted. 



made a tote to sell in a local shop. I have had some great advice from co-workers and a friend I met through etsy.   www.sewsewsuckurtoe.etsy.com      Erin has some great things for sale in her shop and she is just plain nice.

this has been a fun piece to work on. It reminds me of Gee’s Bend quilts…can you tell I like those quilts? Beautiful works of art made from necessity and thrift.

who wears the pants?

One baby quilt done, one to go…….If my sister’s kids keep having babies so quickly….I’m gonna have to hire a team of quilters…..just kidding…these are fun to make…..just trying to get them done before the munchkins get too big….

Thank you to everyone who has been stopping by. Even if you don’t leave comments it’s nice to see that I’ve had visits…….and a thank you too to all those who have left comments, it’s ALWAYS nice to get feedback. Hope all of your weekends are good ones.

lounge singer

After seeing Mimi Kirchner’s Tattooed Men….I was inspired to try making a doll……..she(the doll) has REALLY big lips….got a little carried away….maybe I’ll try again, and practice mouths a little more.

If you haven’t seen Mimi’s dolls. they are great! She is very talented.



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