How to find the time

Well, I’ve decided that those mornings when I wake up at 3 am need to be used for crafting. I am continually amazed by how productive so many craft/bloggers are. Where do ya’ll find the time? And then I think about the women 100 years ago that sewed for the family, washed the laundry in a wash tub, raised the animals, gardened, cooked the meals and raised their children. Where did they find the time?

Truth in beauty

Reading blogs this morning and struck with not only all the beauty I’ve seen, but also with the honesty and truthfullness of being human….loss of loved ones,overwhelmed moms,and just generally dealing with sometimes messy lives, we humans have.

Talent Abounds

Wow, it’s been a while. I’ve been surfing blogs and finding all this amazing stuff people are making. I REALLY need to find the time to do some creating myself.