
I finally finished my niece’s bag/tote. I added an upcycled woven belt as a handle. I’m happy with the look. It’s much cooler than what I might have woven and only cost a dollar.

The newest addition to my sister’s family, her 2nd grandbaby will be recieving this quilt as soon as the little elephant has eyes and a tail, don’t want to traumatize anyone…;)

I’m so glad I cut into and used my small stash of thrifted, vintage barkcloth. It looks pretty good with this little elephant.  I still need to practice a lot, at this free form quilting, but I like the idea a lot.

Hope all of you are wonderful and enjoying your week.


made a tote to sell in a local shop. I have had some great advice from co-workers and a friend I met through etsy.      Erin has some great things for sale in her shop and she is just plain nice.

this has been a fun piece to work on. It reminds me of Gee’s Bend quilts…can you tell I like those quilts? Beautiful works of art made from necessity and thrift.

part of the whole

Albert Einstein

A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

who wears the pants?

One baby quilt done, one to go…….If my sister’s kids keep having babies so quickly….I’m gonna have to hire a team of quilters…..just kidding…these are fun to make…..just trying to get them done before the munchkins get too big….

Thank you to everyone who has been stopping by. Even if you don’t leave comments it’s nice to see that I’ve had visits…….and a thank you too to all those who have left comments, it’s ALWAYS nice to get feedback. Hope all of your weekends are good ones.

lounge singer

After seeing Mimi Kirchner’s Tattooed Men….I was inspired to try making a doll……..she(the doll) has REALLY big lips….got a little carried away….maybe I’ll try again, and practice mouths a little more.

If you haven’t seen Mimi’s dolls. they are great! She is very talented.

Youtube/Julia Nunes

found this wonderful artist a few days ago. Hope you enjoy!



trying to get Alaska done…….it’s taken longer than I thought it might, it hasn’t been difficult, I have just had a lot of works in progress. I can’t remember seeing the moon when I was eight, that summer I spent in the Land of the Midnight Sun. I know it must have been there though. My dad likes the moon. Funny how we are all so connected to everything else, and yet sometimes it comes as a surprise…………